Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wuthering Heights Post #4: Hero?

Honestly, it seems to me that there is no hero located in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Every character seems to be very selfish and viciously cruel at most times. I finally decided to consider the main character in the story "a hero". Therefore, if I must choose a character to be a hero it would be Heathcliff. Poor Heathcliff is a fortune's fool and turns bitter after a while. He is somewhat of an "evil" hero. He is a revenge seeking, hopless romantic who cannot forgive and forget. His accomplishments are carrying out his plots of revenge on Linton and Hindley, who made him lose his love, Catherine. Heathcliff is not a conventional hero considering his deed are much less then heroic. He seems more like a villain, but he was driven to be spiteful with the loss of his love. I believe Heathcliff would have been a hero is his life turned out the way he had planned, but instead, fate was against him. Instead, he is an evil hero who is selfish and cruel to his enemies. Heartbroken Heathcliff could have been a respectable hero, but instead, he turned into an evil and cruel man.

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2004. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps there is no hero, or perhaps he could be viewed as a tragic hero?
