Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wuthering Heights Post #2: Causes, Gains, and Losses

In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, there are countless gains and loses with many different causes dealing with the climax. One huge lose occurs between Cathy and Heathcliff. Heathcliff overhears Cathy agreeing to marry Linton. Heathcliff loses Cathy to Linton because Cathy agrees to marry Linton. Another huge loss is when Catherine Earnshaw gives birth to Catherine Linton and dies because of the labor of giving birth. Linton and Heathcliff lose Cathy because she died giving birth. There are many sad loses throughout the novel.

Some gains in Wuthering Heights were hard to find since this book was very full of misfortune. However, there of actually many gains. One gain is, Hareton Earnshaw, finds love with Cathy Linton instead of turning out bitter and angry like Heathcliff. The cause of this gain is when Cathy agrees to teach Linton to read. If she would have refused to help, they would have never fallen in love. Another gain is when Heathcliff decided not to carry out his revenge against the young Cathy and Hareton. The cause of this gain is the face of Heathcliff's love Catherine Earnshaw appearing in the faces of the young kids. He could not seek revenge because of the constant reminders of his lost love. There are many gains among the loses in the novel.

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2004. Print.

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