Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Analysis: Post #4

My reaction to the essay at first was that Vladimir Nabokov was arrogant and he thought he was better then others. However, I changed my mind because he is writing an essay about improving on reading and writing. He is not being arrogant, he is sharing his beliefs in a very persuasive way. One of my favorite parts of the essay is the list you pick four things from about a good reader. I picked emotional identification, imagination, memory, and artistic sense. I chose three out of four good reader attributes that Nabokov indicated. The one attribute I did not choose correctly was the emotional identification. The right attribute was a reader should have a dictionary. I was not surprised that much about that answer because if you do not understand what words you are reading then there is no point to read about the unknown words. I though this was an interesting idea of Nabokov's because it spent time choosing from the list and learning what is important about each attribute. I also liked that he explained which ones were right. Another interesting part about the list was that he knew students would pick emotion connection, which I chose. Therefore, after reading the essay a few times, my reaction went from negative to positive!

Bibliography! :
Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946

1 comment:

  1. And why was "emotional conection" not necessary according to Nabokov? Why would that not make you a good reader?
