Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Analysis: Post #5

Organization is crucial to a good essay. Good writers organize their essays to flow strongly and make the message of the essay easy to understand. There are a lot of good ways to organize essays. There is chronological, functional, spatial, and logical. For this essay, I thought it could be logical because he is making somewhat of an argument, but I decided on spatial organization since the essay gives directions about improving on reading and writing to the audiences. Nabokov begins by explaining how to be a good reader. He gives directions on how to do so. One example of his directions on becoming a good reader is on the second page of the essay. There is a list in which he picks out four key things to being a good reader. These are somewhat directions to follow to becoming a good reader. He then progresses into talking about being a good writer. His directions on becoming a good writer are similar to the directions on reading. He talks about some key things about writing. These sound like guidelines or directions about becoming better at writing. Therefore, the organization is well done on this essay because the two subjects relate to each other and the thesis. I also concluded the spatial organization because it gives directions to the readers.

Bibliography! :
Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946

1 comment:

  1. Spatial organization would coincide more with a physical description of something or someplace and you go in order of what's next to what, etc. Does this start and end with the same thought or question? Does it alternate paragraphs of rhetorical questions and statements or definitions?
