Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Analysis: Post #3

The definition of rhetoric is the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. Therefore an author uses rhetorical devices to help create a better literary effect on readers. One rhetorical devices used in this essay that I noticed right away was tautology, repetition of an idea in a different word, phrase, or sentence. Nabokov constantly mentioned noticing details. Tautology basically stresses the importance of using details effectively. He expressed this by saying "fondle details", "information about time and places of a novel", and "can enjoy it's details". Obviously he uses the rhetorical device tautology to show the importance of using details. I also saw another common rhetorical device called a metaphor used in the essay. A metaphor is comparing or contrast two things not using the words like or as. In this case, the two things were contrasted from each other. "The mist is a mountain" is the used metaphor in the essay. This is used when explaining a journey that a reader makes that starts as something conquerable like mist, that turns into something hard to conquer like a mountain. Those are just some of the rhetorical devices I saw Vladimir Nabokov in the essay "Good Readers and Good Writers".

Bibliography! :
Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946


  1. And how did the metaphor enhance the essay? Did it help you understand what he was saying ot not? What effect did the tautology have on the essay? Why?

  2. Although I'm not sure I'd say this is an example of tautology. More like your basic repetition and/or reiteration of the idea(s). Tautology is needless repetition (ex. The beginner had just started.)
