Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wuthering Heights Post #1: Author's Attitude and Values

The writing in Wuthering Heights reveals many facts about the author, Emily Bronte. The author has an attitude or tone that seems earnest and in some parts awestruck. Bronte is always leading the characters into new findings. She also always stays on the story line which makes her seem focused. Her attitude also seems to be harsh because the way Heathcliff is so keen to seek revenge on all those who seperated him from Catherine. Bronte also understands human nature and the complex relationships that get broken by reality.

Bronte's values are seem to be through relationships. Bronte values love obviously because she writes about it so intensely. The love Heathcliff has for Catherine never dies therefore he has to make those pay who interfered, so I bet Bronte valued this. I think Bronte also values fairness. The way Hindley treated Heathcliff was very unfair. Also, Heathcliff treated many people unfairly when he grew older. The way Bronte made people so cruel makes me think she wants people not to act this way, so she wrote it in her novel so they know the effects of acting this way. Therefore, she made her characters so cynical to teach the readers that revenge and cruelty will not make your life better, in fact, it wiill make it worse.

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2004. Print.

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