Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Read the Classics Post #8: My Final Reaction

I honestly like "Why Read the Classics?" a lot more the "Good Readers and Good Writers". One reason was the authors tone. Calvino was kind and intellectual. Nabokov was slightly offensive and forceful with his views. My reaction to Calvino's essay was more logical then emotional. I now know many different ways to view classic novels. I know that it's okay if I do not understand them since they were written in different time frames. Calvino said young readers might understand when they are older. Calvino also said you should learn something new when re-reading novels, especially classic works of literature. My logical understanding of classics will now be better because this essay help me broaden my logical understanding of novels. I hope my new logical outlook on classic novels will help me interpret the meaning of the books I am reading this summer, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. I also discovered that when a reader finishes a novel, they either oppose the novel, or they like the novel. I know this is true because Calvino loved most of the novels he has read, and negative Nabokov disliked the best-selling important novels. Therefore, I had a very logical reaction to the essay "Why Read the Classics?".

Bibliography! :
Calvino, Italo. "Why Read the Classics." The Uses of Literature. New York: Vintage Books, 1999

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