Friday, August 5, 2011

Jane Eyre Post #8: Novel Reflecting History

There are many subjects in this novel that can reflect the time frame in which it was written. One historical value I saw in the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was mistreatment of lower class. Orphans were considered low class. When Jane went to Lowood, the school for orphan girls, the treatment there was not very good. They often got sick in the school because of the low health conditions. One of Jane's friends died because of the conditions there! However, they got a new principal and that made conditions much better.

Another historical reflection the novel had was religion. The novel showed how important religion was in that time. There were many times when Jane prayed and praised to God. There were also many other references to religion. St. John went to India to fulfill his religious duties. Also, when Jane went to marry Rochester both times, it was in a church. Nowadays, people can marry wherever they please. Jane also had a moral conflict to marry Rochester since he was already married. This shows Jane knew religion was important enough to not marry a man that is already wed. Another historical reference to religion was when Jane's cousin, Eliza, went to join a convent. She eventually became a important nun. Obviously, religion was very important in that time.

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Print.

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