Friday, August 5, 2011

Jane Eyre Post #6: Why is the Novel Timeless?

What makes Jane Eyre timeless? A novel is timeless for many reasons. The theme, characters, conflict, or other things. This novel represents a love story that is ripped apart by self respect and lies , then pieced back together in the end. It is one a few novels that has a truly happy ending that people love to read, although it is over one hundred years old! I believe that the characters in this novel help make it timeless.

Jane is an orphan. She is an underdog who gets mistreated by her aunt and cousins. That is not a huge problem for Jane because she stands up for herself. Jane is also plain and intelligent. I think that many people can relate to her because she is an average girl rising up from a bad situation. Anyway, Jane falls in love with Rochester. She is lied to, and refused to break her morals by marring a man that is already married. More people can relate to Jane since she is practically being cheated on. However, she forgives him in the end. There are many people out in the world that can read this book and feel the same that Jane felt. Therefore, she is a timeless character that can always remain a character readers can relate to.

Rochester is also a timeless character. He is trapped in a marriage he does not want to be in. Not only does he not love Bertha, she is completely insane. Rochester falls in love with Jane, knowing he is still married. He loves Jane, so he tries to marry her anyway. When his secret is uncovered, he does not care, he still wants to marry Jane. However, Jane leaves him. He waits for her. The common reader can relate to Rochester, because anyone who has tried to cover up a lie, will know how he feels. Rochester's character also relates to the novel being timeless, as you can see.

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Print.

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