Friday, August 5, 2011

Jane Eyre Post #7: Author's Techniques

There are many techniques an author can use to keep the readers attentive in a novel. In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, she uses many techniques. One technique Bronte uses is suspense. The reader must keep reading the novel to find out the fate of Jane. The suspense starts after Jane's attempted marriage. The reader must keep reading to find out if Jane and Rochester ever meet again, or if they die alone and unhappy.
Mystery is also used. Mystery is much like suspense in a novel. The mystery is overpowering and the reader must find out what is happening behind the mystery. The mystery in the novel that kept me reading was when Mr. Mason declared that Rochester was married to his sister. Rochester led the audience of the marriage to his home, where Bertha was hidden away. This mystery needed to be solved, so the reader had to keep reading. Another part of the novel when mystery was used, was around the climax. St. John wanted Jane to come with him to do missionary work in India. The mystery was mixed with suspense, so the reader had to see if Jane would really go to India with St. John. Suddenly, Jane heard the voice of her forbidden lover, and knew it was the wrong choice to go to India with St. John.

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Print.

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