Friday, August 5, 2011

Jane Eyre Post #4: Hero

In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, the hero is obviously Jane Eyre. Jane is independent and intelligent. She also is mild-mannered and plain. She does not let people walk all over herself, which is very admirable. She is not afraid to love, but she does not want to lose her integrity in the process. These traits are one of a hero because they help her accomplish goals in the novel. She accomplishes winning the heart of Rochester, over the shallow and beautiful Blanche. She also does not let Rochester off easy when he kept his wife secret from her. She left him because she is strong and wanted to keep her integrity. This was a hard thing for Jane to do, so the readers should admire her self respect. She also is caring and accomplished winning the love of her cousins when she shares her fortune with them. This is a selfless act of a hero in my opinion. Jane is definitely the hero in the novel because she constantly fights the conflict of her forbidden love with Rochester. In the story, she is portrayed as an underdog who ends up with a happy ending. Jane is a great and heroic figure in the story.

Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003. Print.

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