Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Analysis: Post #1

After reading this wonderful essay, I have seen countless thesises. However, I knew there would be one main thesis. The main thesis is Valdimir's point about sighting out details when you read, and supporting your topics with details when you write. You can tell the thesis is about reading and writing from just the title! Since the author is rather opinionated and very direct with pointing out his thesis, I have concluded that the thesis is explicit. Explicit thesises are pointed out and very direct by the author and very easy to find. I found out quickly what the thesis was from the first paragraph. Valdimir says from the beginning what his ideals are. "In reading, one should learn to notice and fondle details" is one comment Valdimir says about is explicit theme. This excerpt was on the first page in the third paragraph. That is the paragraph I thought Vladimir formed his theme. I was not suprised to find the thesis early in the paper because it is explicit. I think this is a good thesis to support the title because details and elaboration have a lot to do with improving when you read and write. Therefore, I conclude my thoughts about this essay's thesis.

Bibliography! :
Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946

1 comment:

  1. a little redundant...don't just restate the thesis and where you got it, but EXPLAIN it. What does it mean? If you say it's explicit, how did that affect the essay as a whole? Would it have been more or less effective if it were implied instead?
